Preserving and Promoting the Traditions of Horsemanship in Marin County and the San Francisco Bay Area
Main Arena is open!
Work Party Saturday April 12!
Mustang Matt Clinic April 17,18,19 click here for Mustang Matt Flyer
NHI Open Horse Show April 27th
Click here to access the horse show Entry Form
2025 Board of Directors:
President: Scott Colvin
Vice President: Marianne Skinner
Treasurer: Laura Turini
Recording Secretary: Shawn Sack
Corresp. Secretary: Susan Atamaniuk
Past President: Carolyn Conner
Board at Large: Brenda Falco, Jane Ratto,
Mimi Duffy and Amy Hutchinson
For more information email us at novatohorsemen@gmail.com
Novato Horsemen, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(7) organization that has been part of the Novato community since 1942.
Photo credit: Debbie Wiegmann
The club includes over 300 senior and junior members, and hosts a variety of cattle events, trail rides, clinics and special events. Covering approximately four acres, the property features a clubhouse, large main arena, warm-up arena and round corral. Members may also access the Rush Creek open space trails from the club property.